9 June 2016 worldwide
Coral Triangle Day 2016

The Fifth Coral Triangle Day will take place under the theme, ‘Save Coral Triangle: Stop Plastic Pollution'. The theme aims to raise awareness on the threat of plastic waste pollution in the ocean and its effects on marine ecosystems as well as to generate action to address plastic pollution, including through efforts to reduce marine debris and to reduce the use of plastic by promoting reusable bags and containers and the purchase of products that use less packaging. The Day will also include activities to cleanup coastal and marine areas and a range of local events in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Solomon Islands. As part of the Day, the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries, and Food Security (CTI-CFF) Regional Secretariat and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) are organizing a social media campaign #noplace4plastic, which aims to generate discussion on the need to reduce plastic waste to protect coastal and marine environments. The campaign will include a photo competition.  

date: 9 June 2016  
location: worldwide  
contact: CTI-CFF Secretariat  
e-mail: regional.secretariat@cticff.org  
www: http://www.coraltriangleday.org/