19 December 2005
story highlights

The first Diversitas Open Science Conference on integrating biodiversity science for human well-being urged governments and the UN to establish a properly-resourced international scientific panel to provide independent biodiversity-related scientific information.

The conclusion of the meeting, which was held from 9-12 November 2005, in Oaxaca, Mexico, is in agreement with the recommendations of the Conference […]

The first Diversitas Open Science Conference on integrating biodiversity science for human well-being urged governments and the UN to establish a properly-resourced international scientific panel to provide independent biodiversity-related scientific information.

The conclusion of the meeting, which was held from 9-12 November 2005, in Oaxaca, Mexico, is in agreement with the recommendations of the Conference on Biodiversity Science and Governance held in Paris in January 2005. Underscoring the conclusions of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, participating scientists stressed the irreversible global destruction of biodiversity as a result of human activities, and the insufficient political and public attention to its extent and consequences. Presentations ranged from biology to economics and international law, with emphasis on the positive benefits of conservation.
Links to further information
The Conference website
The Oaxaca Declaration on Biodiversity

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