3-7 May 2008 Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
Sixth European Ramsar Regional Meeting

This meeting is organized by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, in cooperation with the Ramsar Secretariat, and is intended to bring together all 45 Contracting Parties in the European region, as well as three countries that have not yet joined (Andorra, Holy See, and San Marino). Participants will focus on implementation of the Convention in the region; progress with regional initiatives; the need to improve implementation capacities through CEPA, as well as project and financial support. It will also serve to coordinate European positions on the issues to be discussed at the 10th meeting of the Conference of the Parties in the Republic of Korea in October-November 2008.  

dates: 3-7 May 2008  
location: Stockholm, Sweden  
contact: Ramsar Convention Secretariat  
phone: 41 22 999 0170  
fax: 41 22 999 0169  
e-mail: ramsar@ramsar.org  
www: http://www.ramsar.org/meetings.htm  

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