25-28 June 2007 Lyon, Rhone-Alpes, France
NOVATECH 2007 – Sixth International Conference on Sustainable Techniques and Strategies in Urban Water Management

This conference’s theme deals with sustainable and alternative solutions for wet-weather flows management (stormwater and CSOs) in urban and suburban areas. Research for sustainable solutions to urban water management in wet weather is relevant only if it takes the appropriate spatial scales and all the stakeholders concerned into account. This is why the conference will deal with three complementary dimensions of urban water management during wet weather: integrated approaches to urban planning; innovative technologies; and integrated approaches to the protection and enhancement of receiving water bodies.  

dates: 25-28 June 2007  
location: Lyon, France  
contact: Elodie Brelot  
e-mail: novatech@graie.org  
www: http://www.novatech.graie.org/a_index.htm  

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