13-14 May 2004 Washington D.C., US
REQUEST FOR INPUT: WORKSHOP ON Global Challenges and Directions for Agricultural Biotechnology

The National Academies’ Committee on Agricultural Biotechnology, Health, and the Environment (CABHE) and an ad hoc Steering Committee on Global Challenges and Directions for Agricultural Biotechnology are hosting a workshop to identify key global problems, and discuss the possible use of agricultural biotechnology as one of many tools for easing these problems. The organizers hope that contributions from people in developing countries will form the basis of the workshop’s deliberations and are inviting interested experts and stakeholders to provide input to the agenda.  

dates: 13-14 May 2004  
location: Washington, District of Columbia, US  
contact: Michael Kisielewski, Research Assistant  
phone: 1-202-334-3062  
fax: 1-202-334-1978  
www: http://dels.nas.edu/global_challenges/  

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