2 April 2013
UNFCCC TEC Holds Meeting on Technology Roadmaps, Plans Technology Briefs
story highlights

An expert meeting on technology roadmaps (TRMs) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Technology Executive Committee (TEC) took place on 25 March 2013, in Bonn, Germany, immediately preceding the fifth meeting of the TEC, which was held on 26-27 March 2013, at the same venue.

UNFCCC30 March 2013: An expert meeting on technology roadmaps (TRMs) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Technology Executive Committee (TEC) took place on 25 March 2013, in Bonn, Germany, immediately preceding the fifth meeting of the TEC, which was held on 26-27 March 2013, at the same venue.

The meetings saw presentations and discussions on experiences with TRMs and other planning tools such as Technology Needs Assessments (TNAs), and how to ensure their complementarity with one another, as well as balance between planning for mitigation and adaptation technologies.

The expert meeting on TRMs was organized by the TEC and was attended by its members, representatives of other UNFCCC bodies, and technical experts. The meeting saw presentations of, and discussions over: an analysis of TRMs prepared to date; best practices in TRM development; the identification of specific needs and actions that could assist parties in developing and using TRMs for adaptation; the potential role of the TEC and TRMs in supporting enhanced action on adaptation to climate change; and an exploration of ideas on how the TEC and other UNFCCC bodies or processes could potentially catalyze development and use of TRMs to stimulate efforts on mitigation and adaptation.

Key themes emerging from the day’s discussions included: the value of both the process and outcomes of TRM development; the importance of relating TRMs to other roadmapping and planning instruments to avoid duplication of work; and the need to address the imbalance between mitigation and adaptation technologies in the TRMs prepared to date.

The fifth meeting of the TEC was attended by UNFCCC party observers, other UN organizations, representatives from other UNFCCC bodies, as well as international and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). At the meeting, TEC members discussed, inter alia: outcomes of the 18th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 18) to the UNFCCC and implications for the work of the TEC; linkages between the TEC and the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) and other arrangements under and outside of the Convention; technology roadmaps; a new thematic dialogue on research development and demonstration; and work and support for activities relating to technology needs assessments. Plans were also made to begin work on at least three new technology briefs. [TRM Meeting Website] [TEC 5th Meeting Website] [IISD RS Coverage of the Expert Meeting on Technology Roadmaps and of the UNFCCC Fifth Meeting of the TEC]