17 April 2009
ICAO Journal Addresses Aviation’s Climate Impact
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April 2009: The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has released the first issue of its journal for 2009, which features two articles on aviation’s climate impact.

The first is authored by David Fahey, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earth Science Research Laboratory, and is titled “Non-CO2 multipliers and aviation climate impact – Discussing the […]

© ICAOApril 2009: The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has released the first issue of its journal for 2009, which features two articles on aviation’s climate impact.

The first is authored by David Fahey, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earth Science Research Laboratory, and is titled “Non-CO2 multipliers and aviation climate impact – Discussing the nature and effects of non-CO2 multipliers and their implications for determinations of aviation climate impact.” The second piece is authored by Emanuel Fleuti, Head of Environmental Services, Zurich Airport, Switzerland, who examines his facility’s response to environmental challenges and stresses that coordinated efforts by all industry stakeholders and States are needed to mitigate any adverse climate effects of aviation. [The journal]

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