10 December 2012
UNEP Launches the Africa Adaptation Knowledge Network
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UNEP has launched the Africa Adaptation Knowledge Network (AAKNet) to build a community of practice to exchange ideas, information and lessons learnt to address climate change in Africa and mitigate its impacts.

AAKNET will share information and aid in building a community of practice to aid in planning processes on the continent and scale-up successful initiatives to adapt to climate change.

6 December 2012: The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) has launched the Africa Adaptation Knowledge Network (AAKNet), which will provide a platform to share knowledge, research and information on initiatives, as well as catalyze partnerships for climate change adaptation.

The network builds on efforts to mobilize knowledge and provide solutions to mitigate the impact of climate change on livelihoods in Africa. Specifically, AAKNet will: conduct workshops to provide advice and share knowledge on climate change adaptation to local communities; build partnerships to support climate change responses; share best practices and lessons learned from numerous initiatives across the continent; and aggregate knowledge to address climate risks.

AAKNet will share information and aid in building a community of practice to aid in planning processes on the continent and scale-up successful initiatives to adapt to climate change. [UN Press Release] [Africa Adaptation Knowledge Network Website]