22 June 2012
Oceansinc@rio Broadcasting Ocean-Related Information from Rio+20
story highlights

Oceansinc@rio will focus on the discussions, negotiations and events related to the oceans, and it will report these events, using print and television journalists, as well as web and social media team.

Ocean NGOs are also invited to submit their ocean information, such as stories and updates, for inclusion on the site.

June 2012: A group of organizations are collaborating to support “Oceansinc@Rio,” a media platform established to broadcast news relating to the oceans, at the UN Conference on Sustainable (UNCSD, or Rio+20).

Oceansinc@rio is supported by the High Seas Alliance, International Programme on the State of the Ocean, JM Kaplan Fund, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Okeanos – Foundation for the Sea, Pew Environment Group, and Tara Expeditions. Its focus is on the discussions, negotiations and events related to the oceans, and it reports the events using print and television journalists, as well as a web and social media team.

In addition, ocean NGOs are invited to submit their ocean information, such as stories and updates, for inclusion on the site. [Oceans Inc Website]