11-18 June 2012 Montreal, Quebec, Canada (virtual)
CBD Online Forum on Facilitating Public Access to Biosafety Information

This online discussion group is organized as part of the Convention on Biological Diversity's (CBD) Online Forum on Public Awareness, Education and Participation Concerning the Safe Transfer, Handling and Use of Living Modified Organisms (LMOs). The discussion group aims to enable exchange of views and information regarding facilitating public access to biosafety information in the context of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. It will address the following themes: procedures for facilitating public access to biosafety information; format and language; timelines for providing information upon request; charging for providing information upon request; denial of information upon request; confidentiality; appeals; means of active dissemination; and biosafety records management systems. Parties, other governments and relevant organizations are invited to nominate individuals involved in, or responsible for, promoting public awareness, education and participation at the national level to participate in the Forum.  

dates: 11-18 June 2012   venue: CBD Biosafety Clearing House Website   location: Montreal, Canada (virtual)   contact: CBD Secretariat   phone: +1 514 288 2220   fax: +1 514 288 6588   e-mail: ulrika.nilsson@cbd.int   www: https://bch.cbd.int/onlineconferences/portal_art23/pa_forum_discussion2.shtml  

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