16 February 2012
ENARD Newsletter Announces ISGAN Merger Completion by End of February
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The International Energy Agency (IEA) Implementing Agreement on Electricity Networks Analysis, Research and Development (ENARD) reports in its newsletter on the upcoming merger with the International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN) Implementing Agreement, mentioning joint meetings, a joint declaration, and knowledge transfer activities.

February 2012: The latest newsletter of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Implementing Agreement on Electricity Networks Analysis, Research and Development (ENARD) reports on activities on the upcoming merger with the International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN) Implementing Agreement.

The newsletter announces that by the end of February 2012 the merger between ENARD and ISGAN will be complete. It reports on joint meetings and knowledge transfer activities from ENARD to ISGAN. The newsletter mentions that, on the basis of a joint declaration, the further development of ENARD Annex IV on transmission systems and the initiation of an ENARD Annex V on “International Knowledge Exchange of Smart Grid Demonstration Projects” was agreed.

The newsletter also reports on the election of ENARD’s Chair Stig Goethe and vice-Chair Lars Audun Fodstad as ISGAN’s Chair Emeritus and vice-Chair Emeritus, respectively, showing recognition for their work for ENARD and the merger talks. The newsletter further announces the publication of two reports, from ENARD Annex II in relation to system integration, and from Annex IV in relation to transmission systems. Considering the upcoming merger, this is the last ENARD newsletter. [ENARD Newsletter No 11 February 2012]