19 July 2014: The UN General Assembly’s Open Working Group (OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has concluded its work, adopting by acclamation a report containing 17 proposed SDGs and 169 targets. The proposal will be submitted to the UN General Assembly for consideration and action at its 68th session.
OWG 13 took place at UN headquarters in New York, US, starting on 14 July and ending one day late, on 19 July, after overnight negotiations. Among the issues delaying and threatening a consensus outcome toward the end of the week were: climate change; sexual and reproductive health and rights; and peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law, and accountable and inclusive institutions. Extended consideration was also given throughout the week to the Goals’ means of implementation, proposed references to foreign occupation, and fossil fuel subsidies.
In the final session to consider the revised draft, numerous delegations expressed appreciation and admiration for the Co-Chairs, Macharia Kamau of Kenya and Csaba Kőrösi of Hungary. Some also thanked civil society for its attention, presence and support throughout the OWG process. Governments recorded their reservations on several elements of the proposal, with many noting that discussion on the outcome would continue in the course of developing the post-2015 development agenda. [IISD RS Meeting Coverage] [Publication: Outcome Document – Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals]
- Desertification & Land Degradation,
- Agriculture & Food Security,
- Energy Efficiency,
- International Negotiations,
- Energy Poverty/Access,
- Biodiversity,
- Chemicals & Wastes,
- Climate Change,
- Market-Based Mechanisms,
- Economics & Investment,
- Renewables,
- Energy,
- Forests & REDD,
- Gender,
- Governance,
- Health,
- Human Settlements & Population,
- Industrial Development,
- Land,
- Monitoring & Evaluation,
- Oceans & Coasts,
- Poverty Eradication,
- Sustainable Consumption & Production,
- Sustainable Development,
- Transport,
- Water & Sanitation