Global Goals Week 2018 is a collective effort to maximize the value of events and activations held during the opening of the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 73) and focused on driving progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals.
Global Goals Week was originally piloted in 2016 by organizing partners Project Everyone, the UN Development Programme (UNDP), and the UN Foundation.
Global Goals Week 2018 events include:
- Learning Revolutions: Creating Educational Environments for Empowerment and Inclusion (22 September);
- 2018 Global People’s Summit (22 September);
- Social Good Summit (23 September);
- UN Global Compact Leaders Summit 2018 (24 September);
- World Economic Forum Sustainable Development Impact Summit 2018 (24-25 September);
- SDG Philanthropy Platform Events (24-25 September);
- 2018 Concordia Annual Summit (24-25 September);
- Global Day of Action (25 September);
- We the Future: Accelerating Sustainable Development Solutions 2018 (25 September);
- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Goalkeepers ’18 (25-26 September);
- Sustainable Investment Forum North America (26 September);
- Bloomberg Global Business Forum (26 September);
- One Planet Summit (26 September);
- International Conference on Sustainable Development (26-28 September); and
- The 8th Business Call to Action Annual Forum: Technological Disruption in the World of Inclusive Business (28 September).
Climate Week NYC 2018 will also take place at the same time.
To receive all SDG Knowledge Hub updates on these and other SDG-related events, sign up for our SDG Update newsletter.
22–29 September 2018
New York City, United States of America