5 March 2008
World Tourism Day Campaign to focus on Climate Change
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The UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) announced that World Tourism Day 2008 will focus on Tourism’s response to the challenges of climate change.

It will be a yearlong campaign that will focus on increasing awareness of the Davos Declaration Process and encouraging its implementation by all stakeholders at a global level.

In raising awareness on […]

Un_world_tourism_organizationThe UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) announced that World Tourism Day 2008 will focus on Tourism’s response to the challenges of climate change. It will be a yearlong campaign that will focus on increasing awareness of the Davos Declaration Process and encouraging its implementation by all stakeholders at a global level.

raising awareness on the positive role of tourism in sustainable
socio-economic development UNWTO aims to: advance tourism in the UN
global response to the challenges of climate change and poverty
alleviation; promote the Davos Declaration Process for the Tourism
Sector; and encourage tourism stakeholders to adapt, to mitigate and
use new technology and to secure financing for the poorest countries.
World Tourism Day 2008 will be hosted in Peru on 27 September, with
events planned for all UNWTO member States.
World Tourism Day – further information
UNWTO Press Release, 5 March 2008

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