9 October 2008
World Resources Report 2008: Roots of Resilience
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8 October 2008: The 2008 edition of the World Resources Report argues that properly designed enterprises can create economic, social, and environmental resilience that cushion the impacts of climate change, and help provide needed social stability.

It further states that increased resilience should be part of the response to the risks of climate change, noting […]

Cover_wrr2008 8 October 2008: The
2008 edition of the World Resources Report argues that properly designed
enterprises can create economic, social, and environmental resilience that
cushion the impacts of climate change, and help provide needed social

It further states that increased resilience should be part of the
response to the risks of climate change, noting that efforts that foster
resilience chart the first steps on the path out of poverty. The Report is a
joint effort produced by the World Resources Institute, the UN Environment
Programme, the UN Development Programme, and the World Bank. [The

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