11 October 2011
World Bank Purchases Carbon Credits from Poland’s Energy-Efficiency in Buildings Scheme
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The World Bank will buy 130 million Euros of Assigned Amount Units (AAUs) generated by Poland's energy efficiency in public buildings scheme, a program expected to reduce energy consumption in participating buildings by 30 percent.

World Bank5 October 2011: The World Bank and the Government of Poland have signed an Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement (ERPA) whereby the Bank will buy carbon credits generated by Poland through energy efficiency measures in public buildings.

The World Bank will purchase Assigned Amount Units (AAUs) on behalf of two of the World Bank’s carbon funds, the Spanish Carbon Fund (Tranche 2) and the Carbon Fund for Europe (Window 2), under the country’s Green Investment Scheme. Energy efficiency will be improved via: added insulation in select public buildings in Poland; upgrading of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems; and installing energy efficient lighting. These measures will decrease the heat energy consumption by up to 30 percent in the buildings in question, lowering energy bills, greenhouse gas emissions, and improving air quality by reducing emissions of nitrogen and sulphur oxides and solid particles due to the decrease of fossil fuel use. The total amount received by Poland through the sale of AAUs under the GIS is 130 million Euros. [World Bank Press Release]

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