28 November 2008
World Bank Lead Environmental Economist Highlights South Asia’s Vulnerability to Climate Change
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25 November 2008: Speaking ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference in Poznan, Poland, Richard Damania, World Bank Lead Environmental Economist for the South Asia Region, described the climate-related challenges in South Asia as daunting.

Noting population growth and poverty levels will increase resource demands on an already stressed natural resource base, he underscored that […]

South Asia's Vulnerability to Climate Change 25 November 2008: Speaking ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference in Poznan, Poland, Richard Damania, World Bank Lead Environmental Economist for the South Asia Region, described the climate-related challenges in South Asia as daunting.

Noting population growth and poverty levels will increase resource
demands on an already stressed natural resource base, he underscored
that “even small climate shocks can cause irreversible losses and tip a
large number of people into destitution.” He stressed the need to make
Asian megacities climate resilient, highlighting that “without a
substantial investment in basic amenities and infrastructure in these
large cities, climate change will exacerbate existing vulnerabilities.”
[World Bank Press Release]

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