25 November 2010
World Bank Launches Corporate Responsibility Website
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The Bank's new website highlights reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, waste, and water and paper consumption.

24 November 2010: The World Bank has launched a new Corporate Responsibility website showcasing its efforts to reduce its environmental footprint since 2002.

The website highlights the following reductions: greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the Bank’s main buildings in the US by seven percent between 2008 and 2009; water usage by four percent; landfill waste by eight percent; and paper consumption by 15%. The Bank has also published sustainability reports since 2004. The website also highlights the following efforts: reducing travel by increasing video-conferencing; pursuing green building certification in new and rehabilitated buildings; reducing use of paper by 39% since 2006; retrofitting the Bank’s Washington DC-based bathrooms to reduce water consumption; increasing the amount of waste that is diverted from landfills in the form of recyclables and compostable material; and increasing the efficiency of buildings of World Bank country offices such as Macedonia, Mali and India. The Bank is also developing ways to measure its GHG emissions from its energy, transport and forestry projects globally. [World Bank Corporate Responsibility Website]