3 March 2010
World Bank Launches Book on Ecosystem-based Approaches to Climate Change
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2 March 2010: The World Bank has launched a book titled “Convenient Solutions to an Inconvenient Truth: Ecosystem-based Approaches to Climate Change,” which features examples of World Bank projects applying ecosystem-based approaches.

The book offers a compelling argument for including ecosystem-based approaches to mitigation and adaptation as an essential pillar in national climate change strategies.


2 March 2010: The World Bank has launched a book titled “Convenient Solutions to an Inconvenient Truth: Ecosystem-based Approaches to Climate Change,” which features examples of World Bank projects applying ecosystem-based approaches.

The book offers a compelling argument for including ecosystem-based approaches to mitigation and adaptation as an essential pillar in national climate change strategies. It starts with an introduction to ecosystem-based mitigation and adaptation, then describes the role of natural ecosystems in mitigation through carbon stocks, sinks and reservoirs, and addresses how to reduce vulnerability through ecosystem-based adaptation. The book concludes by evaluating how to implement ecosystem-based approaches to climate change within the World Bank Group. [The Book’s Website (English and French Versions)]

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