21 December 2011
World Bank, GEF Support Flood and Land Degradation Risk Management in Togo
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The World Bank, the GEF and other donors are supporting a project for integrated disaster and land management in Togo.

The project aims to build up the institutional capacity of relevant institutions to manage the risks associated with flooding and land degradation.

World Bank20 December 2011: The World Bank has approved a $16.9 million grant to assist with implementation of the Integrated Disaster and Land Management Project in Togo. The project is funded by several trust funds, including the Least Developed Countries Fund for Adaptation to Climate Change, the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, and TerrAfrica.

The project aims to strengthen the institutional capacity of targeted institutions to manage the risks of flooding and land degradation in most vulnerable rural and urban areas. It focuses on three components: institutional strengthening and awareness raising regarding the risks associated with flooding and land degradation, through national and local information and communication campaigns; community-based activities for adaptation and sustainable land management, particularly those in river basins and flood-prone areas with the aim of strengthening resilience to flooding and enabling beneficiary communities to better manage risks, including best practices designed to make agriculture more resilient to climate change and foster land productivity and efficient water use; early warning, monitoring, and knowledge systems for the preparation of a nation-wide early warning system to inform communities of possible flooding, including a country-owned climate and land monitoring system. [World Bank Press Release]

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