10 June 2011
World Bank Approves Energy Efficiency and Renewables Loan for Poland
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The 750 million Euro loan will support, inter alia: improving efficiency of the energy sector by reducing the cost of energy services; creating “green jobs” through significant energy efficiency and renewable energy investments; and reducing air pollution.

7 June 2011: The World Bank approved a 750 million Euro loan to support Poland’s implementation of its Energy Policy of Poland Until 2030, adopted in November 2009 with the objective to: decrease energy consumption by 20% by 2020, compared to business as usual; increase the share of renewable energy in final energy consumption to 15% by 2020; and achieve a 20% reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emission target by 2020.

Poland has made commitments with the EU to meet these three major targets, and the Government’s long-term aim is to reduce Poland’s energy intensity to the level of the EU-15 by 2030. The activities this loan will support include: improving efficiency of the energy sector by reducing the cost of energy services; creating “green jobs” through significant energy efficiency and renewable energy investments; and reducing air pollution. [World Bank Press Release] [Climate Change Policy and Practice Story on the World Bank Report titled “Transition to a Low-Emissions Economy in Poland”]