27 October 2010
World Bank Approves Development Financing for Solomon Islands
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The Solomon Islands Rural Development Program will seek to raise the living standards of rural households by improving local level infrastructure, increasing the capacity of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock to improve agriculture extension services, and supporting rural business development.

21 October 2010: The World Bank has approved US$3 million in additional financing for the Solomon Islands Rural Development Program (RDP), which is aimed at raising the living standards of rural households by improving local level infrastructure, increasing the capacity of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock to improve agriculture extension services, and supporting rural business development.

There are 43 infrastructure projects either completed or nearing completion and an additional 54 in the technical design phase, including: water rehabilitation and catchment systems, clinics, staff houses for nurses and teachers, classrooms, and safety bridges. It is expected that 187 villages will benefit from this work, and survey results suggest an estimated 49,000 beneficiaries. The RDP team also has undertaken consultations and activities, involving approximately 1,500 farmers, in areas as diverse as crop improvement, livestock improvement, and labor.

Additionally, 157 officers from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock have received training from RDP staff to improve their ability to deliver essential services to rural farmers. These trainings have covered para-veterinary training, survey and data analysis instruction, and other issues. The additional financing will allow the RDP to sustain this progress and expand the program’s scope in the Solomon Islands. [World Bank Press Release]

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