9 November 2006
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The Regional Workshop on Chemical Hazard Communication and GHS Implementation for Arab Countries was held in Alexandria, Egypt, from 30 October – 2 November 2006.

It was organized through the collaboration of the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency, the Biblotheca Alexandrina, UNITAR and ILO, with financial support from the Government of Switzerland.

The workshop was attended […]

The Regional Workshop on Chemical Hazard Communication and GHS Implementation for Arab Countries was held in Alexandria, Egypt, from 30 October – 2 November 2006.

It was organized through the collaboration of the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency, the Biblotheca Alexandrina, UNITAR and ILO, with financial support from the Government of Switzerland. The workshop was attended by 58 government representatives from 19 countries in the Arab Region, along with stakeholders from business and industry, public interest groups and resource persons. Through a series of working groups and plenary sessions, the workshop developed recommendations for action towards GHS implementation at the national and regional levels. Of the key outcomes, participants supported the use of the GHS as a tool for implementation of other international chemicals agreements such as the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions and SAICM; development of legal mechanisms for implementing the GHS nationally; and establishment of a regional working group comprised of focal points from each country to develop a regional approach to GHS implementation, possibly in cooperation with the League of Arab States.
Link to further information
Workshop website

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