23 May 2008
WMO Expert Team Discusses Climate Data Rescue and Preservation
story highlights

15 May 2008: The World Meteorological Organization’s Expert Team on the Rescue, Preservation and Digitization of Climate Records met from 13-15 May 2008, in Bamako, Mali, to review the work of MEditerranean climate DAta REscue (MEDARE), which was established to develop, consolidate and progress climate data and metadata rescue activities across the Greater Mediterranean Region.


Wcdmp15 May 2008: The World Meteorological Organization’s Expert Team on the Rescue, Preservation and Digitization of Climate Records met from 13-15 May 2008, in Bamako, Mali, to review the work of MEditerranean climate DAta REscue (MEDARE), which was established to develop, consolidate and progress climate data and metadata rescue activities across the Greater Mediterranean Region.

Participants also discussed methodologies currently available to help less developed countries preserve their climate records. In addition, the expert team evaluated and updated the existing Guidelines on Climate Data Rescue, as well as reviewed ongoing data rescue activities and projects around the world. The Expert Team is part of the WMO’s World Climate Programme’s Commission for Climatology.
[WMO Commission for Climatology] [The MEDARE project]