15 May 2008
WHO: World Health Assembly to Consider Resolution on Climate Change
story highlights

15 May 2008: The 61st session of the World Health Assembly, to take place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 19-24 May 2008, will be invited to consider a resolution on climate change and health (EB122.R4), adopted by the Executive Board at its 122nd session.

The resolution details a comprehensive Organization-wide response to climate change, which includes […]

Who15 May 2008: The 61st session of the World Health Assembly, to take place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 19-24 May 2008, will be invited to consider a resolution on climate change and health (EB122.R4), adopted by the Executive Board at its 122nd session.

The resolution details a comprehensive Organization-wide response to climate change, which includes a role for WHO in the implementation of the UNFCCC Nairobi Work Programme on Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change.
Sixty-fourth World Health Assembly
Provisional Agenda
Full Text of the WHO EB resolution