11 July 2008
UNU Launches New Website on Climate, Oil and Food
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July 2008: The UN University (UNU) has launched a new website on the challenges of climate change, peak oil and the food crisis.

The website, called “Our World 2.0,” is designed as a “webzine” (web magazine) and documentary series and aims to “define and better understand the kinds of changes needed and those that are […]

United Nations University
2008: The UN University (UNU) has launched a new website on the challenges of
climate change, peak oil and the food crisis.

The website, called “Our World
2.0,” is designed as a “webzine” (web magazine) and documentary series and aims
to “define and better understand the kinds of changes needed and those that are
already happening” to “re-make this world into a newer, better version.” The
website will report on and analyze innovations aimed at addressing climate
change, oil depletion and food security and will also share stories on the
reasons for and ways to address these challenges. [Our World

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