24 May 2012
UNSG Calls on Youth to Demand Progress in Negotiations
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UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the current negotiations were not moving fast enough, and that young people should raise their voices to “shame those governments into doing more.” Speaking to students at the annual Global Classrooms conference of the Model UN, Ban outlined several actions that young people could take to support the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20).

17 May 2012: Speaking to the 13th Annual Global Classrooms International High School Model UN Conference, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed disappointment with negotiations leading to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20) and called on young people to help.

At the meeting, held in New York, US, on 17 May 2012, Ban said the current negotiations were not moving fast enough, and that young people should raise their voices to “shame those governments into doing more.” Agreement on the tough issues could not wait until Rio, he said.

While he respects the negotiators, Ban told the students that “youth have a special ability to demand change.” He outlined 12 actions for young people to take, including to: ask their heads of state to attend Rio+20 and include youth in their delegations; build networks with young entrepreneurs using business for development; organize events on the Conference in their schools and communities; share their stories for the UN’s Youth Flash Newsletter; join the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)/ UNESCO YouthXChange; and get their friends to register commitments for sustainable development on the Rio+20 website. [Statement of UN Secretary-General: “Youth of the World: Make Some Noise!“] [UN Press Release]