14 November 2012
UNIDO Event Highlights Private Sector Involvement for Sustainable Agriculture
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The event, “Small Farmers, Big Business?

Engaging the Private Sector in Sustainable Agricultural Development,” was held during the European Development Days.

It discussed how poorer producers and workers can benefit from participation in local, regional and global value chains, in the context of strengthening rural economies in developing countries to meet the challenges of population growth, climate change, and competing demands for natural resources.

UNIDO17 October 2012: The UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and partners organized a discussion of how private sector investment can support poorer farmers and producers in promoting sustainable agriculture, at an annual event hosted by the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium, on 17 October 2012.

The event, titled “Small Farmers, Big Business? Engaging the Private Sector in Sustainable Agricultural Development,” was held during the European Development Days, a forum on development and international affairs.

It discussed how poorer producers and workers can benefit from participation in local, regional and global value chains, in the context of strengthening rural economies in developing countries to meet the challenges of population growth, climate change, and competing demands for natural resources. Speakers also addressed: partnerships between small-scale producers and European buyers; lobbying of developing country governments to support specific agricultural sectors such as oilseeds; and working together to reach quality standards.

Kristian Schmidt, European Commission (EC), affirmed the EC’s efforts to ensure “an equal power relationship” between the private sector and farmers, through its support for African farmers’ associations. Discussions also highlighted the work of UNIDO’s Sustainable Supplier Development Programme.

Organizing partners with UNIDO included German International Cooperation (GIZ), the Europe-Africa-Caribbean-Pacific Liaison Committee (COLEACP/PIP) and SNV Netherlands Development Organization, supported by the Practitioners’ Network for European Development Cooperation.

During the EU Development Days, UNIDO also organized a session on “Investment monitoring and green industry platforms: tools for successful public-private partnerships for development.” [UNIDO Press Release] [European Development Days Website]