6 October 2011
UNGA’s Third Committee Hears Three Routes to Inclusive and Sustainable Development
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In his remarks to the opening of the UN General Assembly's Third Committee, Sha Zukang suggested three ways to achieve inclusive and sustainable development: maintain commitments to poverty eradication and social justice; create jobs; and strengthen social protection “floors” to protect people from extreme poverty.

3 October 2011: In remarks to the opening of the UN General Assembly’s (UNGA) Third Committee, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs and Secretary-General of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20), Sha Zukang, called on States to promote economic and social development together, and to account for the social implications of economic policies. Such an approach is the way to ensure long-term sustainable development, he said.

Sha suggested three ways to achieve inclusive and sustainable development: maintain commitments to poverty eradication and social justice; create jobs; and strengthen social protection “floors” to protect people from extreme poverty.

The Third Committee addresses social, humanitarian and cultural affairs. Its work for the 66th Session opened on 3 October 2011. [UN News Release] [DESA News Release] [Website of Third Committee]