4 November 2010
UNGA Third Committee Discusses Refugees
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A number of speakers at the meeting of the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee underlined the impact of climate change on refugees.

2 November 2010: The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) met in New York, US, on 2 November 2010, to discuss questions relating to refugees, returnees and displaced persons and humanitarian questions, as well as the report of the Human Rights Council.

A number of countries addressed the impacts of climate change on refugees in their statements. Egypt explained that her country is actively participating in reform of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees’ office, as well as its programmes and activities, which must take into account new challenges and repercussions, including those presented by natural disasters and climate change.

Pointing to global trends, including urbanization, food scarcity and climate change, as well as the traditional impact of violence, Sudan called on the international community to solve the age-old phenomenon of refugees through concerted efforts.

Norway underscored that current trends show clear signs that climate change is causing harm, noting that upcoming conferences provided an opportunity to further discuss the issues of refugees and forced displacement. [UN Press Release]

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