19 October 2010
UNGA Third Committee Addresses the Rights of Children
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A number of speakers of the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee highlighted the impact of climate change on the rights of children.

15 October 2010: The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) addressed the ways in which member States have been promoting and protecting the rights of children, in light of their respective socioeconomic and cultural situations.

Some speakers highlighted the impact of climate change on children. The representative of Yemen underscored that the global economic, food, energy and climate crises exacerbated the obstacles to “create a world fit for children.” Belarus emphasized that the economic crisis had exacerbated forced migration and climate change, hindering the respect of the rights of the child. The representative of the Maldives stressed that his country was extremely vulnerable to climate change, saying that “the costs endured by this phenomenon will surely continue to deprive our children of their basic rights.” [UN Press Release]

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