The UN General Assembly (UNGA) has decided on the scope of the 2024 Summit of the Future and on the elements to be reflected in the Summit’s outcome document. It requested the UNGA President to appoint two co-facilitators for “A Pact for the Future,” as well as two pairs of co-facilitators to conduct consultations on a global digital compact and a declaration on future generations.

The UNGA considered the decision titled, ‘Scope of the Summit of the Future’ (A/77/L.109), on 1 September 2023, adopting it without a vote.

By the text, “A Pact for the Future” will comprise a chapeau and five chapters on:

  • Sustainable development and financing for development (FfD);
  • International peace and security;
  • Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation;
  • Youth and future generations; and
  • Transforming global governance.

As per the decision, the relevant chapters of the Pact for the Future will take into account the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its promise to leave no one behind, as well as commitments to: end poverty and hunger everywhere; combat inequalities within and among countries; build peaceful, just, and inclusive societies; and ensure the lasting protection of the planet and its natural resources. The outcome document will also reflect the commitment to “create[e] conditions for sustainable, inclusive, and sustained economic growth, shared prosperity and decent work for all, taking into account different levels of national development and capacities.” The realization of the human rights for all, the achievement of gender equality, and the empowerment of all women and girls will also be included.

If intergovernmentally agreed, a global digital compact and a declaration on future generations will be annexed to the Pact for the Future.

The UNGA decision is the result of intergovernmental consultations on the preparatory process for the Summit of the Future, which began in April 2023. Permanent Representative of Germany Antje Leendertse and Permanent Representative of Namibia Neville Melvin Gertze acted as co-facilitators. It is their assessment that the outcome “provides a firm basis and a good way forward for the forthcoming negotiations [during the 78th session of the UNGA] leading to the Pact for the Future.” [UNGA Meetings Coverage, 1 September 2023] [UNGA President Csaba Kőrösi’s Letter Dated 30 August 2023]



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