22 January 2014
UNFPA Publishes Report on Population Dynamics and Post-2015 Agenda
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The UN Population Fund (UNFPA) has published a summary of the consultation on population dynamics titled, ‘Population Dynamics in the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Report of the Global Thematic Consultation on Population Dynamics.' The report highlights two central messages from the consultation: demography matters for sustainable development and demography is not destiny.

UnfpalogoJanuary 2014: The UN Population Fund (UNFPA) has published a summary of the consultation on population dynamics. ‘Population Dynamics in the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Report of the Global Thematic Consultation on Population Dynamics’ highlights two central messages from the consultation: demography matters for sustainable development and demography is not destiny.

The consultation on population dynamics in the post-2015 development agenda comprised an online discussion, several stakeholder meetings, and a Global Leadership Meeting in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on 11-12 March 2013.

The post-2015 development agenda must take into account the changing number, age and location of people, according to the report. It argues that knowing how many people are living and will be living on the planet, as well as their ages and locations, is critical to meeting their needs and promoting current and future well-being.

The report underscores the relationship between population mega trends and other priority issues. It argues that trends such as aging, migration, rapid population growth and urbanization, demand a reconceptualization of the main challenges for the post-2015 agenda.

The report makes recommendations on how to integrate and address population dynamics in the post-2015 agenda, including recommendations on rights-based and gender-responsive policies, overarching priorities and thematic priorities. Overarching recommendations include: eradicating poverty and promoting income security; promoting human development throughout the life course; strengthening evidence-based arguments based on population data, projections and scenarios to inform strategies, goals, targets and policies; and strengthening national capacities to collect, analyze and use population-based data. Thematic recommendations relate to: reproductive and sexual health, including family planning; population aging, including social protection; migration and human mobility; and urbanization.

The report includes an introduction, sections on sustainable development and population dynamics, and on population dynamics and policy implications, including overarching and thematic priorities, and the Dhaka Declaration. Annexes include: quotes from the global e-consultation; a summary of principles and recommendations; and a list of participants in face-to-face consultations.

The UNFPA led the consultation in partnership with the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), the UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), with support from the Governments of Bangladesh and Switzerland. [UNFPA Press Release] [Publication: Population Dynamics in the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Report of the Global Thematic Consultation on Population Dynamics] [Global Leadership Meeting Webpage] [E-Consultation Webpage]

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