13 November 2009
UNFCCC Secretariat Announces Publication of Joint Implementation Documents
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11 November 2009: An accredited independent entity (AIE) has submitted a joint implementation (JI) project design document (PDD) to the UNFCCC Secretariat.

The submission was made pursuant to the provision of the JI Guidelines requiring that, under the JI Track 2 procedure, AIEs shall make JI PDDs publicly available through the Secretariat, subject to confidentiality […]

UNFCCC11 November 2009: An accredited independent entity (AIE) has submitted a joint implementation (JI) project design document (PDD) to the UNFCCC Secretariat. The submission was made pursuant to the provision of the JI Guidelines requiring that, under the JI Track 2 procedure, AIEs shall make JI PDDs publicly available through the Secretariat, subject to confidentiality provisions, and receive comments from parties, stakeholders and UNFCCC accredited observers for 30 days from the date the PDD is made publicly available. The PDD for the JI project, “Griezpelkiu wind power park project,” is now open for comments until 11 December 2009. This JI project also marks the 200th PDD published on the Secretariat website since the JI Supervisory Committee (JISC) launched its JI Track 2 procedure three years ago.
In addition, the PDD for the JI project “CMM utilisation on the Joint Stock Company Coal Company Krasnoarmeyskaya Zapadnaya No 1 Mine” has been deemed final, pursuant to the provisions of the JI guidelines that a PDD determination shall be deemed final 45 days after the date on which it is made public, unless a request for its review is submitted. The period for requesting a review of the determination regarding this PDD has ended, and the determination therefore deemed final.
The determination regarding the PDD for the JI project, “CMM utilisation on the Coal Mine No 22 ‘Kommunarskaya’ of the State Holding Joint-Stock Company ‘GOAO Shakhtoupravlenye Donbass’ ” has also been submitted to the Secretariat. The determination was submitted in accordance with the JI Guidelines that provide that under the JI Track 2 procedure, an AIE shall make its determination regarding a JI PDD publicly available through the Secretariat, together with an explanation of its reasons, including a summary of comments received and a report of how they were taken into account. The determination will be deemed final 45 days after the date on which it is made public, unless a party involved in the project or three of the members of the JI Supervisory Committee (JISC) request a review by the JISC. The determination regarding this PDD will be publicly available until 24 December 2009. [Announcement of publication of JI PDD] [The PDD] [Announcement of final determination of JI PDD] [The final determination] [The submitted determination]

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