28 November 2012
UNFCCC Releases QELRO’s from Australia, Kazakhstan, Liechtenstein and Ukraine
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The provisions QELRO's pledged for the second commitment period range from 78% to 99.5% compared to 1990 levels depending on the country and their national circumstances.

UNFCCC26 November 2012: The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG KP) released the quantified emission limitation or reduction objectives (QELROs) for the second commitment period from Australia, Kazakhstan, Liechtenstein and Ukraine.

Compared to 1990 levels, Australia nominates a provisional QELRO of 99.5%, Kazakhstan pledges 90% and Liechtenstein pledges between 78-84% depending on the emission reductions of other countries. Ukraine maintains its target of a 20% reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2020 compared to 1990 levels, but requires further consideration before establishing a QELRO.

In the submissions, the above-mentioned Parties reiterate their GHG emission reduction target, report on the methodology employed to calculate their provisional QELRO and highlight national circumstances and proposed action to establish and meet their objectives.

The submissions were made by Parties in response to Decision 1/CMP.7 to cover the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, which will start 1 January 2013 and continue for eight years. The submissions will be considered under Agenda Item 3 of the AWG KP seventeenth session. [Submissions from Parties]

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