17 February 2011
UNFCCC Releases Ghana’s Proposal on Adaptation Committee Composition
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The proposal calls for the 32 member committee to include: four members from each of the five UN regions; two members of small island developing States (SIDS); two members from least developed country (LDC) parties; four members from Annex I Parties; and four non-Annex I Parties.

16 February 2011: In its proposal to the UNFCCC Secretariat on the composition of the Adaptation Committee, Ghana highlights the need for membership to reflect a gender balance, broad geographic representation, and a range of expertise, including social dimensions and gender.

The proposal calls for the 32 member committee to include: four members from each of the five UN regions; two members of small island developing States (SIDS); two members from least developed country (LDC) parties; four members from Annex I Parties; and four non-Annex I Parties. It suggests that members serve for two years, with a maximum of two terms, and that a simple majority of members of the Committee must be present at a meeting to constitute a quorum. The proposal suggests that decisions be taken by consensus, but if a consensus cannot be reached, that decisions be taken by a two-thirds majority of members at the meeting. It states that the Committee will elect its own Chair and Vice-Chair alternating between an Annex I and Non-Annex I party, and that meetings be held twice a year. [Publication: Proposal by Ghana on Composition of Adaptation Committee]

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