8 December 2011
UNFCCC Publishes Tutorial on CDM Decisions
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The new tutorial explains how to use the enhanced Catalogue of Decisions, which enables users to search through 2,000 the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP/MOP) and the CDM Executive Board meeting documents to find specific text.

7 December 2011: The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has released a new tutorial that explains how to use the enhanced Catalogue of Decisions.

The catalogue enables users to search through 2,000 the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP/MOP) and the CDM Executive Board meeting documents to find specific text. The tutorial link can be found in the upper right corner of the Catalogue of Decisions. [The CDM Catalogue]

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