15 November 2010
UNFCCC Publishes Report on Implementation of the Nairobi Work Programme
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The report provides an overview of the discussions held during an informal meeting of representatives from parties and organizations and experts to consider the outcomes of the activities completed under the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change.

10 November 2010: The UNFCCC Secretariat has published a report (FCCC/SBSTA/2010/12), which provides an overview of the discussions on, and the issues identified in relation to, the implementation of the Nairobi work programme (NWP) on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change.

The document reports on an informal meeting of representatives of parties and organizations and experts, which took place from 28- 30 September 2010 in Manila, Philippines, to consider the outcomes of the activities completed under the work programme. Representatives and experts shared their experiences of, and views on, the implementation of the NWP in terms of modalities, thematic and work areas, and knowledge outputs and products. Recommendations and suggestions were provided on ways and means to strengthen activities beyond 2010 in support of enhanced adaptation action in all sectors and at all levels. The report will be considered by the 33rd session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) scheduled to take place from 30 November – 4 December 2010 in Cancun, Mexico. [The Report]