19 April 2013
UNFCCC Publishes Provisional Agenda for SBSTA 38
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The UNFCCC Secretariat has released the provisional agenda for the 38th session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA 38) to be held in Bonn, Germany, from 3-14 June 2013.

UNFCCC17 April 2013: The UNFCCC Secretariat has released the provisional agenda for the 38th session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA 38) to be held in Bonn, Germany, from 3-14 June 2013.

According to the provisional agenda, at its June session, SBSTA will address methodological issues under the Convention, namely: the work programme on the revision of the guidelines for the review of biennial reports (BR) and national communications; and general guidelines for domestic measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) of domestically-supported Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) and emissions from fuel used for international aviation and maritime transport.

The agenda also incorporates methodological issues under the Kyoto Protocol, including: land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) under the Kyoto Protocol and under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM); and implications of forests in exhaustion as afforestation and reforestation CDM projects. SBSTA is also scheduled to address: market and non-market mechanisms related agenda sub-items; the 2013-2015 Review, a work programme on clarification of quantified economy-wide emission reduction targets of developed countries, and scientific, technical and socioeconomic aspects of mitigation of climate change.

SBSTA’s provisional agenda also incorporates, among forest-related issues: methodological guidance for activities relating to REDD+; coordination of support for the implementation of activities in relation to mitigation actions in the forest sector by developing countries, including institutional arrangements; and impact of the implementation of response measures.

SBSTA is also expected to hold in-session activities, including: an in-session workshop on coordination of support for the implementation of activities in relation to mitigation actions in the forest sector; a research dialogue on developments in research activities relevant to the needs of the Convention; the forum on the impact of the implementation of response measures; and an in-session workshop on the work programme on clarification of the quantified economy-wide emission reduction targets of developed parties. [Publication: SBSTA 38 Provisional Agenda]