15 October 2013
UNESCAP Holds Training Workshop on Pro-Poor Public-Private Partnerships for Improving Access to Energy Services
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The UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific of United Nations (ESCAP) held a training workshop on broadening access to energy services via pro-poor public-private partnerships (5P).

Its aim was to enhance 5P business plan development capacities of stakeholders from Nepal and Lao PDR.

UNESCAP1 October 2013: The UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific of United Nations (ESCAP) held a training workshop on broadening access to energy services via pro-poor public-private partnerships (5P). Its aim was to enhance 5P business plan development capacities of stakeholders from Nepal and Lao PDR.

The workshop took place from 25-27 September 2013, and included sessions on 5P viability for Nepal and Lao PDR, pro-poor business plans including social ventures and business cases, financing of renewable energy projects, moving from pilot projects to policy, integrating rural development and energy initiatives, and innovations in business planning. [Workshop Programme][Workshop websites with links to presentations: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3]


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