19 November 2010
UNEP Publishes Document on Implementing REDD+
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The latest volume of UNEP's Carbon Markets Perspectives series is titled "Pathways for Implementing REDD+: Experiences from Carbon Markets and Communities" and contains suggestions for a future international REDD+ regime.

November 2010: The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Risø Centre has published the latest volume of its Carbon Markets Perspectives series, titled “Pathways for Implementing REDD+: Experiences from Carbon Markets and Communities.”

The volume contains articles on experiences with carbon markets, the future role of the carbon market and the private sector in scaling up investments for REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries, and the role of conservation, sustainable use of forests and enhancement of carbon stocks), and engaging communities. The articles look at the global, national and local levels and address issues such as how to create incentives to participate in REDD+, its implementation and possible financing. The authors make suggestions for a future international REDD+ regime, including on: its architecture and underlying principles; measuring, reporting and verification (MRV); private sector involvement; the rights of indigenous people and local communities; and biodiversity conservation and environmental integrity. [Pathways for Implementing REDD+]

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