February 2019: The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) has reported on its work in monitoring global water quality and supporting developing countries to prevent and manage water pollution, in the lead-up to the fourth session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-4).

UNEA-3 was organized on the theme, ‘Towards a Pollution-Free Planet,’ and requested UNEP, in resolution 3/10, to carry out work in areas including: wastewater management (SDG target 6.3); SDG 6 monitoring; Earth observation and big data; tools and capacity building for water resources management (IWRM) implementation (SDG target 6.5); and emerging pollutants. In its report-back on activities titled, ‘Progress in the Implementation of Resolution 3/10 on Addressing Water Pollution to Protect and Restore Water-related Ecosystems’ (UNEP/EA.4/15), the Agency notes that further funds of USD 31.7 million will be needed to fully implement resolution 3/10, in addition to the amount of USD 5.5 million that is currently available.

Among the highlights mentioned in UNEP’s report are its university accredited online courses on water quality monitoring, preparations toward a global water quality report, and partnerships with Google, the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and others to track changes in water-related ecosystems. Its Global Environment Monitoring System/Water Programme (GEMS/Water) programme has developed a draft strategy to guide its work up to the year 2024 and beyond, which reflects its role in global monitoring and reporting on the water-related SDGs, including SDG 6 (clean water and sanitation). The report highlights further funding needs for adequate monitoring of SDG 6 to take place, noting that, for example, only 52 countries reported on the ambient quality of their water bodies (SDG indicator 6.3.2) in 2018, and only 40 reported on changes to their water-related ecosystems (SDG indicator 6.6.1).

UNEP also reports that it has developed a workplan for conducting a world water quality assessment, which is being initially supported by the Governments of Switzerland and Germany.

Other activities include scoping workshops to support freshwater lake management in Ethiopia and Kenya, coral reef conservation in South Asia, development of an electronic decision-making tool that provides guidance for countries to select the appropriate wastewater treatment technology, and assessment methodologies to address marine pollution from land-based activities (SDG target 14.1).

UNEA-4 will convene under the theme, ‘Innovative Solutions for Environmental Challenges and Sustainable Consumption and Production,’ from 11-15 March 2019, in Nairobi, Kenya. [Progress in the Implementation of Resolution 3/10 on Addressing Water Pollution to Protect and Restore Water-related Ecosystems]



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