The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Center for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law (CCEEL) at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) Law School published an updated Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEA) Negotiator’s Handbook. Noting that MEA negotiations “are among the most dynamic negotiations in international law,” the handbook guides negotiators on the process and the structure of talks.

The publication titled, ‘Multilateral Environmental Agreements Negotiator’s Handbook,’ is in its third edition, updating a 2007 handbook. It condenses 372 pages of advice into 12 essentials that emphasize that “representing your country in a multilateral negotiation is a serious undertaking and a major responsibility” and that preparation is key.

The guide underscores the need to “support the process and participate constructively even in difficult situations” as “[u]nwarranted obstructionism can undermine the whole system.” It recommends that negotiators try to identify win-win situations and look for opportunities to support countries with different interests.

Highlighting the importance of good relationships, trust, humor, and diplomacy, the handbook urges focus on substantive objectives and interests rather than positions. It offers concrete recommendations on bracketing text, optimizing discussions, exercising responsible judgment, structuring interventions, and preparing for practical necessities.

The handbook provides an overview of the history and context of MEAs, their forms, nature, principles, and elements, as well as the “machinery” behind MEA negotiations. Among the many aspects of MEA negotiating process, the handbook elaborates on the rules of procedure, financial rules, institutional and negotiation structures, and country groupings.

The guide describes a typical day in UN negotiations, products of MEA negotiation phases, and cross-cutting issues, including governance principles and objectives, international cooperation issues, and trends in MEA negotiations. It also provides recommendations on participating in virtual intergovernmental meetings.

The publication features several annexes that include overviews of selected MEAs, case studies, and reference texts and electronic resources.

Published on 12 March 2024, the handbook supports the annual MEA training course on negotiations and diplomacy UNEP and the UEF have co-organized since 2004. The course is funded by the Government of Finland and UNEP. [Publication: Multilateral Environmental Agreements Negotiator’s Handbook] [Publication Landing Page] [UNEP Library Entry]



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