11 January 2011
UNEP Executive Director Highlights “Silent” Momentum on Climate Change
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In an editorial titled "Silent Momentum on Climate Change," Achim Steiner discusses the outcomes of the Cancun Climate Change Conference, stating they put the world's efforts on climate change back on track “albeit at a pace and on a scale that will undoubtedly leave many onlookers frustrated.”

January 2011: Achim Steiner, Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), has stressed that the world is witnessing an extraordinary mobilization of national-level projects and policies that are shifting economies onto a low-carbon path.

In an editorial published on UNEP’s webpage titled “Silent Momentum on Climate Change,” Steiner discusses the outcomes of the Cancun Climate Change Conference, stating they put the world’s efforts on climate change back on track “albeit at a pace and on a scale that will undoubtedly leave many onlookers frustrated.” He also highlights the significant emissions gap between country promises and what is needed to keep the rise in global temperature below two degrees Celsius, let alone move towards the 1.5-degree threshold needed to protect low-lying island States. Steiner looks to South Africa, the host of the next session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC, to midwife “a new legally binding agreement to bridge this gap and securing the finance needed to bring the Green Fund into operation.”

Steiner also underscores the importance of action by progressive heads of State, regional and local government, business, and civil society, stressing their potential to transition to a low-carbon future and build the green and clean-tech economies of the 21st century. Providing examples from big business to local governments, Steiner stresses that “the world is witnessing an extraordinary mobilization of national-level projects and policies that are shifting economies onto a low-carbon path.” He expresses hope that a new treaty will continue building momentum and trigger accelerated investments. [UNEP Editorial]

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