10 November 2010
UNEP Executive Director Calls on G-20 to Transition Towards a Green Economy
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In an op-ed published in the Republic of Korea's English-language JoongAng Daily, Steiner urges G-20 leaders to turn their pledge to move towards a green and more sustainable recovery into a concrete commitment.

9 November 2010: The Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), Achim Steiner, has urged leaders of the G-20 Summit convening in Seoul, Republic of Korea, to evolve their vision toward an inclusive, sustainable green growth underpinned by clean technologies and ecosystems.

In an op-ed published in the Republic of Korea’s English-language JoongAng Daily, titled “Toward a global green economy,” Steiner questions if the meeting from 11-12 November 2010 could “be a watershed in international financial and economic affairs, where the pledge, made at the G-20 in London, toward a green and more sustainable recovery moves from communiqué to concrete commitment.” Steiner identifies encouraging signs, including the Republic of Korea’s economic stimulus package, which earmarked “close to 90% of its funds to a short- and long-term vision of green growth.”

In terms of combating climate change and restoring fish stocks, Steiner calls on the G-20 to start by cancelling or phasing-down “global subsidies totalling up to US$700 billion and over US$27 billion a year respectively.” [UNEP Press Release] [JoongAng Daily]

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