21 July 2010
UNEP Chemicals Convenes Workshop on Infrastructures and Cost Recovery Measures for Chemicals Management
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9 July 2010: UNEP Chemicals and the Environmental Council of Zambia (ECZ) jointly organized a workshop on legal and institutional infrastructures and cost recovery measures for the sound management of chemicals, in collaboration with UNEP Division for Environmental Law and Conventions (DELC) and the Legal Unit of the Joint Conventions Services (JCS) for the Rotterdam, […]

9 July 2010: UNEP Chemicals and the Environmental Council of Zambia (ECZ) jointly organized a workshop on legal and institutional infrastructures and cost recovery measures for the sound management of chemicals, in collaboration with UNEP Division for Environmental Law and Conventions (DELC) and the Legal Unit of the Joint Conventions Services (JCS) for the Rotterdam, Stockholm and Basel Conventions.

The workshop took place from 7-9 July, in Lusaka, Zambia, and was the second of a series of four country workshops aiming to discuss UNEP DTIE Chemicals Branch draft Integrated Guidance on the Development of Legal and Institutional Infrastructures and Cost Recovery Measures for the Sound Management of Chemicals with national practitioners, to effectively target the needs of developing countries. Key outcomes of the meeting were several proposals for additions to the Integrated Guidance, including: addressing how to seize opportunities to influence the budget planning cycle, and to advance arguments for investing in sound management of chemicals in line with the national policy cycles; case studies illustrating the main elements considered; and a discussion on the value and ways of convincing parliamentarians of the benefits of advancing the sound management of chemicals at the national level. [UNEP Chemicals website] [IISDRS Sources]

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