22 May 2013
UNECE Identifies Wastewater and Waste Management as Key Challenges for Romania
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The UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has released the second Environmental Performance Review of Romania, which identifies access to clean water and improved sanitation and waste management as some of the most pressing environmental challenges facing the country.

UNECE21 May 2013: The UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has released the second Environmental Performance Review of Romania, which identifies access to clean water and improved sanitation and waste management as some of the most pressing environmental challenges facing the country.

The Review takes stock of progress made by Romania in its environmental management since the first review, which was carried out in 2001.

On water management, the Review highlights that water demand has decreased from 20 billion cubic metres (m3) in 1990 to 7.7 billion m3 in 2011, but warns that it is expected to double by 2020 to reach 15 billion m3, pointing at rising demand in the industrial sector and for livestock, as well as for irrigation.

On wastewater collection, the Review notes that only approximately 57% of the population is connected to wastewater collection systems, with only 4% in rural areas. The Review further underscores that, currently, the Danube river delta and the Black Sea receive pollutants from diffuse agricultural sources and the inadequate operation of wastewater treatment plants. It stresses the need to adopt effective measures in order to avoid increasing pollution as the Danube River Basin region develops economically. The Review also describes threats from coastal erosion and pressures from land use on natural habitats.

Among the positive trends, UNECE mentions: the decrease by half of non-hazardous waste and by 95% for hazardous waste from mining; and the increase in the volume of recycled secondary raw materials.

The Review concludes with the formulation of 39 recommendations to the Government aimed at: improving management of its environment; integrating the goals of sustainable development into sectoral policies; promoting greater accountability to the public; and strengthening cooperation with the international community. [UNECE Press Release] [Environmental Review of Romania] [UNECE Review Programme Website]

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