4 February 2013
UNDP Study Outlines NAMA on Sustainable Charcoal in Uganda
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The UN Development Programme (UNDP) has released a “Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action Study on Sustainable Charcoal in Uganda,” identifying major opportunities in the charcoal sector to prevent carbon emissions and foster sustainable development in least developed countries.

UNDP31 January 2013: The UN Development Programme (UNDP) has released a “Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action Study on Sustainable Charcoal in Uganda,” identifying major opportunities in the charcoal sector to prevent carbon emissions and foster sustainable development in least developed countries.

The study calls for a full value chain approach to designing a nationally appropriate mitigation action (NAMA) for sustainable charcoal, and offers recommendations for the production, transportation and retail of charcoal in Uganda. Specific suggestions include US$500 million for the introduction of improved kilns between 2014 and 2030, and the institutionalization of a district charcoal unit responsible for purchasing from producers, identifying added-value through sustainable purchases, and arranging transport to government warehouses.

The study contains sections on the NAMA concept and its application to the charcoal sector; relevant stakeholders, policies and institutions in Uganda; technology options for improved production; measuring, reporting, and verification; and the assessment of support needs.

In addition, the study offers next steps, in particular, the development of a full NAMA design document in conjunction with stakeholder consultations and the Government of Uganda. The study also identifies potential donors, and envisions how a fully developed NAMA could be integrated with other initiatives, including the UNDP Low Emission Capacity Development Programme, German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) Biomass Energy Strategy, and other UNDP-implemented and Global Environment Facility (GEF)-financed projects in the charcoal sector. [Climate Finance Options Press Release] [MDG Carbon Website] [Publication: NAMA Study on Sustainable Charcoal in Uganda]

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