3 April 2002
UNDP Round Table Discusses Vulnerability and SIDS
story highlights

May 2002: The UNDP Global Round Table on Vulnerability and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) – “Exploring Mechanisms for Partnerships” – was held from 9-10 May 2002 in Montego Bay, Jamaica.

It brought together over 50 representatives from the members of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), donor countries, UN agencies, the private sector […]

May 2002: The UNDP Global Round Table on Vulnerability and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) – “Exploring Mechanisms for Partnerships” – was held from 9-10 May 2002 in Montego Bay, Jamaica. It brought together over 50 representatives from the members of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), donor countries, UN agencies, the private sector and NGOs. A technical-level meeting took place on 9 May to review the findings of three technical reports on vulnerability in SIDS prepared by inter-regional teams of experts. Presentations at the Round Table on 10 May stressed the need for urgent action by and on behalf of SIDS to mitigate a range of social, economic and environmental vulnerabilities to external forces, such as globalization, over which SIDS have little or no control. Participants noted the predominance of specialized agriculture, such as sugar cane, as well as tourism, within the economies of the SIDS and stressed the need to preserve natural resources, especially fresh water. They also noted risks related to climate change. The Round Table lay the foundation for establishing a new interregional mechanism to transfer technologies and skills. The results of the meeting will be presented at the WSSD. [http://www.undp.org/wssd/regional_roundtables_sids.htm]