24 October 2012
UNDP Releases Final Baobab Coalition Journal
story highlights

The final issue of the Baobab Coalition Journal spotlights the Africa Adaptation Programme's (AAP) activities and efforts on information sharing, food security and resilience, and gender mainstreaming as well as articles describing AAP work in Burkina Faso, Niger, Rwanda, Mauritius and Senegal.

18 October 2012: The UN Development Programme (UNDP) has released its final issue of The Baobab Coalition Journal, a publication reporting on community activities and efforts under the Africa Adaptation Programme (AAP). The issue features articles on information sharing on AAP efforts, food security and resilience, gender mainstreaming, and an editorial by the director.

“Localizing the climate change story” illustrates how AAP teams inform people about climate-related threats and opportunities, describing efforts in Kenya, Lesotho, Mauritius, Nigeria, and Rwanda. In Lesotho, for example, AAP-trained Climate Change Youth Ambassadors shared information through a climate change roadshow on, inter alia, alternative energy sources for communities and hygienic household water storage.

“Food security and resilience” describes AAP efforts to promote food security in 18 AAP countries, including developing national strategies, prioritizing the agricultural and health sectors, formulating long-term planning mechanisms, and supporting activities such as irrigation systems in Namibia and Niger and adaptation pilot projects to reduce food insecurity among vulnerable families in Mozambique.

“Making sure development works for all” highlights the UNDP Gender Team and AAP’s assistance to African Governments on mainstreaming gender in climate-related development efforts, including national adaptation plans and a gender and climate change training workshop in Mauritius. Describing women as more reliant on climate-vulnerable sectors, such as agriculture and non-timber forest products (NTFPs), the article also recognizes women as champions of adaptation and mitigation, emphasizing that field experiences have shown that women’s leadership is key to developing and implementing responses to climate change at all levels, including national and global levels.

In an editorial, Ian Rector, Programme Manager, AAP, highlights AAP’s achievements and progress, including the development and approval of national adaptation strategies and plans in Ethiopia, Gabon, Lesotho, and Nigeria, and access to climate-related development funding in Burkina Faso, Morocco, and Mozambique. He stresses, however, that individuals engaged in and targeted by AAP’s efforts “constitute its true legacy and success,” describing them as a “diffuse army of individuals who can collectively shift the direction of their countries, and indeed this continent, from risk to resilience.”

The journal also includes: the results of a knowledge management needs survey, including recommendations for AAP national teams; articles on AAP activities in Burkina Faso, Niger, Rwanda and Senegal; and a poster showing “the multitudes of individuals” involved in AAP efforts. Additional stories include staff reflections on knowledge management, balancing programme responsibilities and professional development, and promoting media coverage of climate-related issues.

The Baobab Coalition Journal, a community newspaper for AAP activities, was launched in 2008. The AAP will conclude in December 2012. [The Baobab Journal] [AAP Website]

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